SAP Assessment
All new buildings and conversions require SAP calculations and energy performance certificates (EPC) under part L of the 2013 building regulations.
Paul is fully qualified and insured to carry out all assessments under part L on new dwellings, conversions and extensions.Working from you drawings and specification Paul his able to carry out SAP assessments to show compliance.
Paul offers code for sustainable homes assessments, including:
Pre-assessment reports for planning applications
Pre-assessment reports, advice and guidance at early design stages.
Planning application support where code for sustainable homes is required.
Registration of your development
Full design review and advice on most approporiate Code level achievement strategy for your development.
Working with your team to ensure knowledge develops along with the project.
Guidance on achieving specific ratings
Design Stage assessment of your project leading to interim certificate.
Post- construction Stage Report leading to final Code Certificate.
The Code measures the sustainablility of a home against design categoried, rating the whole home as a complete package. The design categories included within the Code are:
Energy/CO2 emissions
Surface water run-off
Health and well-being
The Code introduces minimum standards for energy and water efficency for every level. There are minimum standards for materials, surface water run-off and waste at entry level only. additional points can still be gained by performance in other areas.